Week 5 – Midterm Progress

Looking around, I see that most people on campus are worn out both mentally and physically. Many students have hit a point where they are so stressed, but don’t even have time to manage and relieve stress. From this, I started thinking that I want to do something with ‘screaming,’ as it’s a good means of letting out stress and frustration.

I believe there are a few games that use volume or pitch of sound as a way to move around characters. Below is one of the game I have used as a reference.

Most games, I found out, use either volume or pitch of input sounds, not both. Based on this, I decided to use both factors. I plan to use the volume as the speed of the character and the pitch as the location (up and down) of the character. With these controls, the player will have to navigate through a certain map, collecting coins. (Below is a reference of what I’m thinking of.)

Programming Ideas)
There should be functions that create the map with collectables. There should also be a function that takes the input sound and translates it to the player(character)’s location and moving speed. There should also be something that keeps track of the contact of player and the wall, and another that keeps track of the scores.

Getting sound input and translating it to the player’s position and its moving speed would involve interactivity.

Complex Parts)
I think the hardest part would be figuring out how I’m going to translate the volume and the pitch of the user’s sound. It can’t be too sensitive as the game will be come frustrating, but it also can’t be too hard to move the user around.

I also think figuring out when the player has contacted a wall (which should end the game) would be a challenge.

Reducing Risks)
I think I’ll work on two parts separately: the movement of the user using sound and the moving map. I will first work on the movement of the user, testing out different volumes and pitches of the user. If I feel like the sensitivity is just right, I will move on to work separately on the map.

I will have to figure out the shape of the maps and how I want to generate it. I will also think about how to randomly place collectibles. When both parts are done, I can combine the two projects to create a full game.


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