Assignment 2 – Generative Art

For this assignment I looked for many works of computational repetitive art and found really interesting works. However, the one I liked the most is this one I saw in the art center (shown in the figure below). I don’t know why I liked this one so much but maybe because I saw it in real life. I decided to work on a similar idea but with introducing more colors and different pattern. While working some things didn’t go the way I wanted but it resulted in some really cool stuff.

Code Highlights:
The part of code I am proud of is drawing the spiral arm and especially figuring out how to utilize sin and cos functions for my work.

Reflection and ideas for future work or improvements:
I am proud of the final output of my sketch. However, I think of implementing different modes where every mode would have a bit similar color combinations to make it more visually coherent. For example, one mode can contain the shades of blue.

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