Final Project – User Testing

In order to gather feedback on the usability of my project, I conducted a user interaction test by having people try the project without any prompts or instructions. The purpose of this test was to evaluate how intuitive the design was and how well users were able to understand the mapping between the controls and the resulting experience.

Overall, the results of the test were mixed. Some users were able to figure out the controls quickly and enjoyed the experience, while others struggled to understand how the controls worked and what their effect on the project was. A common area of confusion was the use of the two potentiometers, as some users were unsure of which one controlled the horizontal and vertical movement of the line.

Despite the challenges some users faced, there were several areas of the project that worked well. Many users enjoyed the retro feel of the etch-a-sketch and appreciated the unique green and black design. The feedback on the physical controls was also positive, as users found them easy to use and responsive.

Based on the results of the user interaction test, there are several areas that could be improved in the project. One approach could be to provide more detailed instructions or visual aids to help users understand the controls and how they affect the project. Another potential improvement could be to add a feature that allows users to save and share their creations, adding a new level of engagement and creativity to the project. Also, the knobs of the potentiometers should be made bigger so the users can control them more easily.

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