Week 12 – User Testing

Progress so far
So far, I have developed the basis of my program in  Arduino and P5. I have connected a single button. When pressed, a sound associated with that button is played in p5. An animation, associated with that specific sound is also displayed in p5 and then the canvas when the button is released has a randomly placed circle every time the button is pressed. This is to create a sound and p5 canvas that the user can design and control.

Next, I will add at least three more buttons in the same way. each will have a unique sound and animation attached to it and will allow the user to draw different things on the canvas. I will also add a flex sensor to control a background sound from a buzzer or from p5.

The project concept is based on traditional South Asian music so sound effects will be from instruments such as sitar, rubab, drums, and flute. Also, the background music will also complement these sounds. The project aims to promote accessibility therefore it visualizes sound for those who cannot hear so they can use it in their own unique way to design the canvas.

User Testing

So far, the project is running well. Due to several deadlines and a heavy workload, I could not do a lot of the work for this project but the basis of the idea is implemented and it will be easier to implement from here on.

The user was able to easily understand the interface and the circuit. However, I will add more elements to the interface such as instructions on how to use it for better understanding.

I am particularly proud that my project is accessible and will pay tribute to music from my home country Pakistan. That is why Im excited to further develop it to completion.

Here are details of the Arduino and P5 ends of the project:


For the Arduino end, as mentioned, sensors and buttons will be arranged in a box. I might integrate a motor as well that moves something, for example, a music record, according to the sensor values.

Inputs and Outputs:

  • From light sensor – will send it to p5
  • From distance sensor/potentiometer – will send it to p5/use to control the volume of the buzzer
  • From buttons – will light up corresponding LEDs and send to p5
  • From P5 – indication if instrument turned on/off from p5 screen – use to turn corresponding power LED on/off
  • LEDs to indicate if the instrument is on or if any button is pressed (feedback)
  • Buzzer (to play background sound/button sounds)


The P5 screen will first present instructions on how to use the instrument. Once the experience begins, the screen will show a visualization of the music created using input from the sensors. This way, every user will, in a way, create an art piece that is theirs. So, not only can the user change their motion/touch to change the output sound but also to add something to their sketch. Also, P5 will have some buttons that, when pressed, will send output to Arduino – for example, LEDs light up when the Start button is pressed or if the sensor value exceeds a threshold or maybe different tone/sound/volume options available on the screen that will be used to change the output melody.

Inputs and outputs

  • Use light sensor value from Arduino to change tone type and screen background color
  • Use inputs from buttons that Arduino sends to draw shapes/patterns on the screen


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