Final Project Proposal


For the final project, me and Sanjana are thinking of creating a Virtual Fruit Ninja. We want to take the concept of this mobile game to the next level by creating an immersive and interactive game experience allowing players to slice fruits virtually with their hands! The following project and our love for the game fruit ninja is the inspiration for this project: (

For this project, we are thinking of using the ml5 library, built on top of Tensor.js, and the PoseNet function to accurately track the position of the player’s hand in real time through the camera video. The goal is to create a seamless integration between the player’s hand movements and a virtual sword or blade in the game, simulating the experience of slicing real fruits with a knife.

The game mechanics will be intuitive and engaging. Players can wave their hands across the screen to slice the fruits as they appear, and the PoseNet function will accurately track their hand movements in real time, providing precise and responsive slicing actions. We will also leverage p5.js to create visually appealing graphics and animations, creating an engaging game environment that enhances the overall gameplay experience.


One of the main challenges of this project will be optimizing the game’s performance to ensure smooth gameplay and minimize latency. We will need to carefully understand the output of the PoseNet model and use the information to update the virtual sword’s position and orientation in real-time.

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