Final Project: Report #1 – Proposal

Arduino Radar:

My idea for my final project I thought of creating some sort of Arduino Radar, something like shown below:

So essentially, I plan to have maybe the ultrasonic-distance sensor maybe on a servo motor which keeps track of how far people are and based on that, it would map out onto a sensor which would look something like shown above.

I was thinking of several applications of using this for my project. For example: Perhaps, there could be treasure somewhere, and the user had to get that treasure without alerting this radar. If the radar detects the user, it would activate a solenoid to open a door and shoot the user with maybe a nerf bullet or something.

A really AWESOME idea could be if I could hide the treasure maybe somewhere around the IM showcase, and the user must use my radar device to track this treasure before some time limit. Hence, they would have to go around the showcase and find this treasure.

If they don’t find it by the given time, then the solenoids can be activated and they get shot. It could also be some sort of game where people can try and compete to find the treasure for the fastest time or something.

Arduino and p5js division:

  • The hardware as in the sensor, the shooting mechanism can all be through Arduino
  • The radar visualization can be drawn onto p5js. Maybe even the treasure icon or something can be mapped out onto p5js as well.

Initial Challenges: 

I’m thinking that this project is doable but if I were to maybe do the finding treasure around the showcase idea, I’m not entirely sure how I would track the treasure’s location at all times. I’m not even sure how the sensor would be able to track it. Maybe through OSC so the computer (p5js) knows where the ball is at all times (like its coordinates) and that way it can map out on the radar and as you walk around, the sensor can start to pick it up and when it does, it can map out on the radar or something.

I’m not sure but i’ll have to do a little more thinking and investigating.

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