Week 3: Fireworks


For this assignment, I tried to utilize the concepts of object-oriented programming (such as classes and arrays) to create a generative artwork with an element of randomness and interactivity.


I was looking at different forms of generative examples on the Internet and got inspired by this generative art created on processing. So, I decided to imitate fireworks by programming the instances of objects (in my case, circles) to follow a specific movement aimed at creation an effect of explosion and dispersion as in the below photo.

I tried to choose bright range of colors to fit the concept of fireworks, and I  also added the trail at the end of the particles to create a slow dispersion effect. For this, I manipulated to opacity of the background, setting it to 90. The user can also interact with it by choosing the origin of the fireworks, which, in turn, changes the background color to different dark shades of red and green.


Even though this animation may not be that realistic because the particles were following a symmetrical path, I am still proud of how the explosion effect at he beginning and a random dispersion that follows turned out to be. The part of the code that is responsible for these is the update() function that calculates the movement of particles and adds and element of randomness.

Here’s the code for the reference:

//function to calculate the lcoation and movement of circles
   //after the circles reach the pre-defined boundaries i.e. after the first explosion occurs
   if(this.x>this.xMax || this.y>this.yMax || this.x<this.xMin || this.y<this.yMin){
     //user can change the origin of the salute by clicking on the screen
     if(mouseIsPressed == true){
       //when they click the screen, the background color will also change to random shades of red and green to resemble the sky during the fireworks show
     //in times when the user doesn't click on the scree, the origin of fireworks will be determined by the randomn() function
     else {
   //make the circles move on a specific manner

Future Improvements:

As I’ve mentioned above, one of the improvements for this code to create a more realistic firework imitation would be to make the particles follow not such a strict symmetric path. Also, instead of making them move in the straight line, it would be a good idea to make them move on an arc, accelerate when falling and decelerate when exploding. I tried to incorporate these concepts to this code as well, however I faced few challenges during the process, especially when making the particles fall to the ground imitating an arc-like movement.





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