Final Project- User Testing

Following my last blog post, I am nearly done with my project. As of now the setup of the Arduino consists of two potentiometers that function as the dials of my etch-a-sketch and a switch that provides a clean slate to the user once they are done and want to start over.

Screenshots of the Arduino setup-

I have also designed the interface of the p5js sketch, giving it a sense of the authentic playfulness that an etch-a-sketch symbolizes.

I have also looped in a playful audio that excites the user to stay stuck and keep working on the sketch. moreover, I am pretty happy with the way the potentiometers toggle with the alpha values of the strokes that are drawn as they lend it a sort of outlook of an actual sketch being drawn on the screen.

P5js Sketch:

User Testing

I think user testing was quite an important part of the project as it allowed me to think about improving on quite a few things to make the project even more interactive and user-friendly. First off the potentiometers are placed quite close to each other on the board which makes the movement a bit restrictive for the user. Secondly, the wiring keeps on shifting at times which makes strokes appear randomly on the board as opposed to where the user wants them to go. and lastly, the switch is in between the wires which disturbs the user when they want to clean the slate.

User Testing Video:


I am currently working on designing a better console for the game so that the project becomes more efficient. Time permitting I shall also like to include another color component in my sketch be it in terms of another stroke of my pen or pixelating the screen before clearing it to add another animated component to the sketch.

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