Final Project- Preliminary Concept

As an art and art history major, I have had the opportunity to work with multiple media and styles while completing an artwork. One of the main reasons I took the intro to IM was to get my hand dirty with a new style of creative expression. Honing that, for my final project I would like to work on a painting project that includes physical computing. So far I have been thinking about the following:

a) potentiometer that would work as the brush/pen-probably like etch-a-sketch where, as the user will interact with it the cursor would draw on the screen.

b) I would mainly like to include basic shapes such as circles or squares to allow the user to create a distinct pattern each time the program is run by overlaying the same shapes.

c) I may also add switches that may control the different values of colors when pressed. For instance, they could also change the size of the stroke as well.

d) I am a bit worried as to how the canvas would get cleaned or if the design would stop once it is complete. And I might have to assign a separate sensor with a function to do that.

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