Final Project Ideas

This final project must incorporate both Arduino and p5js. I have a few ideas, here is one –

Idea: Game – Catch the Butterflies 

{yes my butterfly obsession continues…}

The game would be made in p5js, which would have/be a butterfly garden. A catcher, which would be controlled using the Arduino (using a motion detecting sensor), would be used to catch butterflies and avoid unrelated/harmful items. The catcher would be the user’s hand, wherever the hand moves, the catcher will move the same direction. The more butterflies the user catches, the more points they get. If unrelated items are touched, a point will be deducted. It will be a timed game: How many butterflies can you catch in 1 minute?  This is just a brief idea and there are many areas to think about, in terms of aesthetics, execution, etc.

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