Week 3: Generative Object-Oriented Art Leo Shirky


My sister used to love butterflies, so I decided I would try to animate a Monarch butterfly migration flight in Processing.


I started by creating a class called Butterflies, and made a simple butterfly shape, with a body and wings. I then added some code that would make the Butterflies fly along the screen at varying speeds and at random points on the X axis to give a sense of magnitude to the migration.

Finally, in order to make the animation more dynamic, I added some code that told the Butterflies to move towards the X coordinate of the mouse, so that the user had some control over the animation.


I really wanted the butterflies to flap their wings as they flew, but I couldn’t figure out how to make that happen. I tried to add a variable butterflyWing with two possible states, butterflyExtend and butterflyContract. I wanted the butterflies to alternate between the two randomly on every frame count. I drew the two states, but no matter what I tried, I couldn’t get the result I wanted. I also wasn’t sure how to even search for what I wanted. I ended up watching a number of Coding Train videos in hopes of finding some help, but in the end I was unsuccessful.



The Butterfly Class code:

class Butterfly{
  float posX, posY;
  float butterflyWidth, butterflyHeight;
  color butterflyColor;
  float speed;
  Butterfly(float _posX_, float _posY_, float _speed){
    posX = _posX_;
    posY = _posY_;
    butterflyWidth = random(10, 20);
    butterflyHeight = random(50, 100);
    butterflyColor = color(252,127,3);
    speed = _speed;

void migration(){

void constructButterfly(float _posX_,float _posY_){

void butterFly(){
  posY += speed;
  if (posY > height+butterflyHeight/2) {
    posY = +butterflyHeight/2;


void update(){ 
  if (posX > mouseX){
    posX --;
  if (posX < mouseX){
    posX ++;

void butterflyBody(){
  ellipse(posX, posY, butterflyWidth, butterflyHeight);

void butterflyWing(){
  triangle(posX, posY, posX-butterflyHeight, posY+butterflyHeight/20, posX-butterflyHeight, posY+butterflyHeight);
  triangle(posX, posY, posX+butterflyHeight, posY+butterflyHeight/20, posX+butterflyHeight, posY+butterflyHeight);
  triangle(posX, posY, posX-butterflyHeight, posY-butterflyHeight/20, posX-butterflyHeight, posY-butterflyHeight);
  triangle(posX, posY, posX+butterflyHeight, posY-butterflyHeight/20, posX+butterflyHeight, posY-butterflyHeight);


The operational code:

Butterfly[] myButterflies;

void setup(){
 size(1280, 1280); 
 myButterflies = new Butterfly[50];
 for (int i=0; i<myButterflies.length; i++){
   myButterflies[i] = new Butterfly(random(width), height + 100, random(5, 10));

void draw() {
  for (int i=0; i<myButterflies.length; i++){


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