Final Project Idea (Shreya & Cole)


Shreya and I plan on making a game similar to the popular VR game “Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes.” This is a two player game where one person is faced with a bomb and a timer counting down till it explodes. Depending on the level, the bomb will look different each time with a series of lights, buttons, symbols, etc. The bomb defuser will have to communicate with a second player, the instruction reader. The instruction reader will have a list of instructions that they will have to communicate with the bomb defuser in the time limit. These instructions will be dependent on what the bomb defuser sees on screen so two way communication is critical for success.


Defusing Bomb:

The bomb will be defused when completing all the tasks provided from the instruction reader. Tasks will include interaction with the on screen bomb as well as the Arduino inputs such as lights, buttons, and dials.



In our game, the instructions will be amiable in the start menu so that it can either be played with two laptops, if it is two player then the instructions will only be accessible to the second player. If playing alone, the bomb defuser will also have access to the instructions while playing, however the game is better when communicating with a friend. 


The general cycle of the game is as follow:

The instruction reader will have a choice in the instructions – “If the bomb looks like A, do B, if it looks like C, do D”. The instruction giver will ask about the state of the bomb which they cannot see.

The defuser player will relay back how the bomb looks

The instruction reader will read off the corresponding instruction based on the how the bomb looks

The defuser will interact with the bomb in the way instructed

This cycle repeats several times until the bomb is defused or the timer goes off!

Any wrong interrelation of course sets the bomb off and the players lose!


How do we plan to code this?

  • Create an array with a list of all possible LED combinations.
  • This array will drive our entire program
  • Depending on the series/types/color of LEDs lighting up, we will have the interface on Processing and that will also wait for a particular set of inputs from the Arduino board. Once the set of actions are completed, we get another set of LEDs lighting (by picking a random index in our array).


Categories of Instructions 

  • We plan to have categories of different LED setting, each of which will tell the diffuser what to do next
  • For example, the first category will be the number of LEDs lighting. The diffuser will answer this question and suppose they say 4 LEDs are lit. Then the instruction giver will read the instructions corresponding to that and say for example, press the blue button. After pressing the button, the diffuser needs to answer the next question. And this is how we envision the game to proceed.


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