Arduino + Processing Game

I had a really fun time exploring the serial communication between Arduino and Processing this week! My project was inspired by the R, G, B color mapping on Arduino buttons, and without further ado, let me explain what I did.

💡 idea

I wanted to figure out a way, in which I could use my Arduino as a joystick for the Processing game. I started off with some LEDs and a potentiometer, but then decided that I would like to try something different than what we did in class last Wednesday. After that, I wired three buttons on the breadboard, and the colors of the buttons immediately reminded me of the (R, G, B) color mapping. I decided to create a movement game and use my buttons as a joystick for moving whatever I have in my Processing console.

When a player starts the Processing sketch, they will see a rectangle on the console, and whenever each button is pressed, the rectangle changes color and moves to a particular side of the screen. The player’s score increments if the rectangle “hits” the side of the screen.

🛠 process

One of the main challenges while implementing this game was to figure out a way to transfer multiple serial communication bits into Processing. At first, I thought I would create an array of bits that occur while pressing the buttons. However, as I was exploring this idea it seemed like I was overcomplicating it, and then I just tried sending a different type of serial message each time a different button is pressed. For example, if the red button is pressed, I send “1”; if the blue one is pressed, I send “2”, and so on.

After reading this serial communication from my Processing, I created a boolean variable to track which button is pressed. For each boolean variable, I then created corresponding code lines to run throughout the game to move the rectangle. When the rectangle reaches the end of the screen, it reappears on the console, and the game continues until they eventually get tired of playing 😅. Right now, there is no way to stop or restart the game without closing the program, but it could be something to think about as a next step.

🎲 demo

Arduino code:

int buttonR = 2;
int buttonB = 4;
int buttonG = 7;
int prevRState = 0;
int prevGState = 0;
int prevBState = 0;

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:
  pinMode(buttonR, INPUT);
  pinMode(buttonG, INPUT);
  pinMode(buttonB, INPUT);

void loop() {
    // getting digital communication from buttons
    int buttonRState = digitalRead(buttonR);
    int buttonGState = digitalRead(buttonG);
    int buttonBState = digitalRead(buttonB);
    // read if the buttons are pressed
    int valueR = digitalRead(buttonR);
    int valueG = digitalRead(buttonG);
    int valueB = digitalRead(buttonB);
    // output for debugging

    if (buttonRState == 1 && prevRState == LOW){
      // send values if buttons are pressed

    if (buttonGState == 1 && prevGState == LOW){
      // send values if buttons are pressed

    if (buttonBState == 1 && prevBState == LOW){
      // send values if buttons are pressed
    // track button states
    prevRState = buttonRState;
    prevGState = buttonGState;
    prevBState = buttonBState;

Processing code:

import processing.serial.*; // importing from library
Serial port; // creating a serial port object

int numBtns = 3;  // number of buttons
int locX, locY;  // position of each rectangle
int rectW, rectH; // width and height of each rectangle
int value = 0; // passed value
boolean isRed, isGreen, isBlue = false; // keep track of colors
int numCollide; // keep track of collisions

void setup(){
  size(500, 500);
  locX = 250;
  locY = 250;
  rectW = 100;
  rectH = 100;
  numCollide = 0;
  //printArray(Serial.list()); // debugging
  port = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[1], 9600); // initializing the port

void draw(){
  // initializing the game
  rect(locX, locY, rectW, rectH);
  // green mode
  if (isGreen == true){
    rect(8, 250, rectW-80, height);
  // red mode
  if (isRed == true){
    rect(490, 250, rectW-80, height);
  // blue mode
  if (isBlue == true){
    rect(250, 10, width, rectH-80);
  // start again

void serialEvent(Serial port){
  // reading from the port
  value =;
  // change to red
  if (value == 1){
    fill(255, 0, 0);
    isRed = true;
    isBlue = false;
    isGreen = false;
  /// change to green
  if (value == 2){
    fill(0, 255, 0);
    isRed = false;
    isBlue = false;
    isGreen = true;
  // change to blue
  if (value == 3){
    fill(0, 0, 255);
    isRed = false;
    isBlue = true;
    isGreen = false;

// restart each time the rectangle is caught
void reStart(){
  if (locX==-rectW || locY == -rectH || locX == width+rectW){
    locX = 250;
    locY = 250;

// display the instructions and the score
void displayScore(){
    text("Press any arduino button to start!", width/2, height-100);
    text("Score: " + numCollide, width/2, height-50);


One thought on “Arduino + Processing Game”

  1. Be careful doing a serial.print for debugging when you’re doing serial communication since all of this gets sent over the serial bus. This will create errors in Processing and things won’t work consistently, if at all.

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