It’s a Yoga Ball,,,,,, and it bounces.
/********* VARIABLES *********/ // We control which screen is active by settings / updating // gameScreen variable. We display the correct screen according // to the value of this variable. // // 0: Initial Screen // 1: Game Screen // 2: Game-over Screen int gameScreen = 0; int ballX, ballY; int ballSize = 70; int ballColor = color(0); float gravity = 1; float ballSpeedVert = 0; float airfriction = 0.0001; float friction = 0.1; color racketColor = color(255,87,93); float racketWidth = 100; float racketHeight = 10; int racketBounceRate = 20; float ballSpeedHorizon = 10; //int ballZ, ballM; //int ballMSize = 60; /********* SETUP BLOCK *********/ void setup() { size(500, 500); ballX=width/4; ballY=height/5; } /********* DRAW BLOCK *********/ void draw() { // Display the contents of the current screen if (gameScreen == 0) { initScreen(); } else if (gameScreen == 1) { gameScreen(); } else if (gameScreen == 2) { gameOverScreen(); } } /********* SCREEN CONTENTS *********/ void initScreen() { // codes of initial screen background(0); textAlign(CENTER); text("Click to start", height/2, width/2); } void gameScreen() { background(244,56,70); drawBall(); applyGravity(); keepInScreen(); drawRacket(); watchRacketBounce(); applyHorizontalSpeed(); } void applyHorizontalSpeed(){ ballX += ballSpeedHorizon; ballSpeedHorizon -= (ballSpeedHorizon * airfriction); } void makeBounceLeft(int surface){ ballX = surface+(ballSize/2); ballSpeedHorizon*=-1; ballSpeedHorizon -= (ballSpeedHorizon * friction); } void makeBounceRight(int surface){ ballX = surface-(ballSize/2); ballSpeedHorizon*=-1; ballSpeedHorizon -= (ballSpeedHorizon * friction); } // codes of game screen void watchRacketBounce() { float overhead = mouseY - pmouseY; if ((ballX+(ballSize/2) > mouseX-(racketWidth/2)) && (ballX-(ballSize/2) < mouseX+(racketWidth/2))) { if (dist(ballX, ballY, ballX, mouseY)<=(ballSize/2)+abs(overhead)) { makeBounceBottom(mouseY); // racket moving up if (overhead<0) { ballY+=overhead; ballSpeedVert+=overhead; } } } } void applyGravity() { ballSpeedVert += gravity; ballY += ballSpeedVert; ballSpeedVert -= (ballSpeedVert * airfriction); } void makeBounceBottom(int surface) { ballY = surface-(ballSize/2); ballSpeedVert*=-1; ballSpeedVert -= (ballSpeedVert * friction); } void makeBounceTop(int surface) { ballY = surface+(ballSize/2); ballSpeedVert*=-1; ballSpeedVert -= (ballSpeedVert * friction); } void drawRacket(){ fill(racketColor); rectMode(CENTER); rect(mouseX, mouseY, racketWidth, racketHeight); } // keep ball in the screen void keepInScreen() { // ball hits floor if (ballY+(ballSize/2) > height) { makeBounceBottom(height); } // ball hits ceiling if (ballY-(ballSize/2) < 0) { makeBounceTop(0); } if (ballX-(ballSize/2) < 0){ makeBounceLeft(0); } if (ballX+(ballSize/2) > width){ makeBounceRight(width); } } void drawBall() { fill(ballColor); ellipse(ballX, ballY, ballSize, ballSize); //ellipse(ballZ, ballM, ballMSize, ballMSize); } void gameOverScreen() { // codes for game over screen } /********* INPUTS *********/ public void mousePressed() { // if we are on the initial screen when clicked, start the game if (gameScreen==0) { startGame(); } } /********* OTHER FUNCTIONS *********/ // This method sets the necessary variables to start the game void startGame() { gameScreen=1; }
referenced from the tutorial in the following link: