Week 5 Class – Pixels

Images to download

Sketches used:

class SimpleMover {
  float x, y, homeX, homeY;
  float xSpeed, ySpeed;
  float diam;
  boolean seek;
  char letter;

  SimpleMover(float _x, float _y, float _diam ) {
    homeX = x = _x;
    homeY = y = _y;
    xSpeed = ySpeed = 0;
    diam = _diam;
    seek = true;

  void update() {
    x += xSpeed;
    y += ySpeed;
    xSpeed *= .95;
    ySpeed *= .95;

  void display() {
    ellipse(x, y, diam, diam);

  void seekHome() {
    if (seek) {
      float dirX = homeX-x;
      float dirY = homeY-y;

  void checkEdges() {
    if (y>height) {
    if (y<0) {
    if (x>width) {
    if (x<0) {


Links from class today

In Class Exercises

Start with which ever is easiest, go deep or try as many as you can get through. Post at least one finished one on the blog (with images/video/code/etc.)

  • Take an image and make an artistic collage with sections of that image using get()
  • Access the pixels of an image and for a particular color change that pixel with a pixel from another image (green screen effect)
  • Take an image and draw it with rectangles with the proper colors
    • Make those rects explode along the Z-axis based on the brightness of each pixel ( you need to set P3D in the size statement at the beginning of the sketch, i.e. size(512,512,P3D) )
    • Make it interactive with the mouse, the further you move the mouse in one direction the more it explodes, or goes back to it’s original position
  • Take an image and draw it with rectangles or circles with the proper colors
    • Using a class/object from before (like the letters sketches), or some other generative movement algorithm, make the shapes move around on screen in various ways and then return to their  home positions when you press a key

Code – lines pointing at mouse w/OOP

Main Sketch:

// declare an array of DirectionLines
DirectionLine lines[];

void setup() {

  //how long will each line be
  int lineLength = 30;

  //we can find out how many lines we will have 
  //by dividing width and height by the lineLength
  int w = width/lineLength;
  int h = height/lineLength;

  //initialize the array with number of total lines
  lines = new DirectionLine[w*h];

  //index to access each element of the array
  int i=0;
  //nested for loop, start at lineLength/2 to offset and center the lines on screen
  //increase each step through the loops by lineLength, to space the lines appropriately
  for (int y=lineLength/2; y<height; y+=lineLength) {
    for (int x=lineLength/2; x<width; x+=lineLength) {
      //access each DirectionLine in the way and create a new DirectionLine object
      //the x & y vairbales from the for loops give us the origin location of each line
      lines[i] = new DirectionLine(x, y, lineLength);
      //be sure to increase i

void draw() {
  //just loop through all the lines and call run()
  for (int i=0; i<lines.length; i++) {


class DirectionLine {

  float angle;
  float len;
  PVector origin;

  DirectionLine(float x, float y, float _len) {
    origin = new PVector(x, y);
    len = _len;


  //update our angle based on the mouse position
  void update() {
    //turn the mouse into a pvector in order to use the pvector functions
    PVector destination = new PVector(mouseX, mouseY);
    //subtract the origin from the destination, this is our direction
    PVector direction = PVector.sub(destination, origin);
    //get the angle of the direction
    angle = direction.heading();

  //draw the line
  void display() {
    //translate and rotate the line based on the angle
    translate(origin.x, origin.y);
    line(0, 0, len, 0);

  //function to wrap up both update and display
  void run() {