final concept preliminary concept

Chronicle Books: Bestsellers, New Releases, Unique Books + Gifts | Kids graphic design, Book design, Motion design animation
children’s interactive book
These Interactive Books for Toddlers Make Storytime Magical!
children’s interactive book








For the final project I wanted to create an interactive recipe book. I was in

spired by the interactive children’s books, where the child could move or

pull parts of the book to interact with the story. I would use Arduino to allow the user to interact with the story/recipe on the computer screen.

I started to brainstorm ways the user could interact with a story/recipe. (at this point I was just trying to find what sensors could be used and the possible ways, I didn’t know what the story would be or the scenes/interactions that I needed)

I then started to brainstorm ideas and decided that an interactive children’s cook book would be interesting. I think I would only create the interaction for one recipe (because of the limited time) but I hope to keep the idea of possible expansion when building the hardware to make sure that it is expandable.

I found some recipes that I liked and listed some of the main steps then tried to find sensors that could be used for the interaction.

I then started to think of the structure that would hold the Arduino parts. had two ideas for this project. I could either create a wooden structure(explained later) or a book like structure. I would use cardboard as the pages and would stick the buttons and so on between pieces of cardboard to make sure that the wires are hidden. There a few things I would need to resolve when it comes to this idea. for example I would need a lot of sensors and buttons (… etc) because each page has it’s own. I would also need to decide how I’ll store the microcontroller and where the wires would go. Another issue is scalability. To use the device to tell another store/ show another recipe I would need to create another book.

pages in book

the second idea is to create a wooden structure that would hold the Arduino Uno microcontroller (I also plan to use a shell instead of a breadboard to connect all the things to the microcontroller).

        • I would use black acrylic for the stove (I might add a red LED in the middle that turns on when the oven is turned on).
        • I will also have a potentiometer on the front left side that would act as the stove knob.
        • I would have a bowl glued to the middle of the board. There would also be a measuring cup on the board too.
            • The measuring cup would not be glued to the board because the user should be able to remove it and “pour” things into the bowl.
            • I might add an elastic string that connects the cup to the board so that it pulls the cup and wires back into place so the user doesn’t need to deal with putting the wires.
            • I might also use heater tubing around the title sensor’s wires so that they are not all over the place
        • I haven’t included this in the sketch below but I also want to include a cup that the user can scope ingredients from. I would glue it to the board with a distance sensor to detect the user’s hands are above the cup.
        • I would also add a button that would mainly be used to logistic reasons like moving to the next step or starting (haven’t decided the exact function yet)

There are still quite a few things to resolve but this is the current general idea. I plan to start the Arduino parts then build the structure to make sure I can fit all the things I want to include.

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