I made a project wherein a push button connected to Arduino controls the size of a pair of circles in Processing.
Here’s the code:
void setup() { // put your setup code here, to run once: Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(3, INPUT); } void loop() { int digitalVal = digitalRead(3); Serial.write(digitalVal); }
import processing.serial.*; Serial myPort; int previousVal = 0; Sphere mySphere0; Sphere mySphere1; void setup(){ printArray(Serial.list()); String portName = Serial.list()[0]; myPort = new Serial(this, portName, 9600); size(800, 600); mySphere0 = new Sphere(random(10,width-10), random(10, height - 10),10); mySphere1 = new Sphere(width/2,height/2,200); } void draw(){ background(0); mySphere0.render(); mySphere0.update(); mySphere0.checkBounds(); mySphere1.render(); mySphere1.update(); mySphere1.checkBounds(); } void serialEvent (Serial myPort) { int inByte = myPort.read(); println(inByte); if(inByte == 1){ previousVal = 1; } else if(inByte == 0){ if(previousVal == 1){ mySphere0.changeSize(); mySphere1.changeSize(); } previousVal = 0; } }
Sphere class
class Sphere{ //declare variables float xPos; float yPos; float xSpeed; float ySpeed; float diam; color c; //constructor - define variables, setup for the class Sphere(float x_, float y_, float d_){ c = color(random(0,255),random(0,255),random(0,255)); xPos = x_; yPos = y_; xSpeed = random(-3.,5.); ySpeed = random(-3.,5.); diam = d_; } //declare functions//methods void render(){ fill(c); ellipse(xPos, yPos, diam, diam); } void update(){ xPos += xSpeed; yPos += ySpeed; } void checkBounds(){ if(xPos >= width || xPos <= 0){ xSpeed = xSpeed * -1; } if(yPos >= height ||yPos <= 0){ ySpeed = ySpeed * -1; } } void changeSize(){ diam = random(10, 200); } }