PFont f; // int for the gradient (r,g,b). int r = 0; int g = 0; int b= 0; String feels; int x; float t = 400; void setup(){ size(800,800); //i went to the tools craeted a font and saved it and just wrote the name in loadFont. f =loadFont("Herculanum-60.vlw"); textFont(f); feels = "angry w no right"; x = width; } void draw(){ //Gradient background for (int i = 0; i<width; i++){ stroke(i,i,i); line(0,i,width,i); } // text i chose to write, had to fill the text to be able to see it; couldnt find it intially. fill(0); // what makes my sentence move back and forth is the wave and the random is making it go up and down float wave = sin (radians(frameCount)); text(feels,90+wave*200,height/2+random(-100,100)); }