Assignment 2 – Jihad Jammal


When I got the assignment, I wanted to better practice for loops without getting bogged down by any complex shapes. So while sifting through the computer generated art provided I found the above mentioned screenshot that met my desires “ProgrammInformation21_PI21.pdf”, specifically the kind that mimics cracked glass. It felt like a neat way to meet the assignment’s goals and still let my creativity loose. My aim was to accomplish the main goal of the assignment and then actually playing around .

A highlight of some code that you’re particularly proud of:

let numberOfSplatters = 15;
    // Loop through the number of splatters
    for (let i = 0; i < numberOfSplatters; i++) {
      // Random position for each splatter
      let x = random(width);
      let y = random(height);
      translate(x, y); 
      // Number of lines in each splatter
      let numberOfLines = random(20, 40);
      // Lines Circle around to make a pack
      for (let j = 0; j < numberOfLines; j++) {
        // Random angle for each line
        let angle = random(TWO_PI); 
        // Random length for each line
        let length = random(20, 60); 
        let x2 = cos(angle) * length;
        let y2 = sin(angle) * length;
        // Different stroke thickness
        line(0, 0, x2, y2); 

Embedded sketch:

V2: Experimental:


Reflection and ideas for future work or improvements:

For the future, I’m setting my sights on tackling more complex shapes and honing my skills to create a 3D illusion that responds to mouse movements, much like the examples demonstrated in class. This challenge excites me as it combines technical precision with interactive elements, offering a richer experience for the user. By diving deeper into these advanced techniques, I aim to enhance my understanding and creativity in computer-generated art, pushing my projects to new heights.

I also recognize the need to evolve my approach to the creative aspect of my assignments. It’s clear to me now that pushing my boundaries isn’t just about technical complexity but also about daring to be more innovative and original in my concepts. Embracing this mindset means looking beyond conventional ideas and experimenting with how my work can engage, surprise, and captivate in new ways. I’m committed to not only expanding my technical toolkit but also to challenging my creative limits, ensuring that my future projects are not just technically sound but also creatively compelling.

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