Production Assignment – Week #3

For this assignment, we were tasked with creating a generative artwork using Object-Oriented Programming. I wanted to use something we use everyday in our culture to create my artwork, and took inspiration from the Emarati Ghutra (Ghitra):

I tried to use its some of its colors (white, and the different shades of red) and shapes (zigzags, diamonds, checkered squares, etc) to create my artwork.

I created a class for the Ghutra elements, consisting of a constructor, display function, and changeColor function to change the color on mouse click.

class GhutraPatternElement {
  // Setup the constructor with the required attributes to draw the shapes
  constructor(x, y, size, color, shapeType) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
    this.size = size;
    this.color = color;
    this.shapeType = shapeType;

  // Display function to draw the shapes based on the attributes passed to the constructor
  display() {
    // Diamond Shape
    if (this.shapeType === 'diamond') {
      vertex(this.x, this.y - this.size);
      vertex(this.x + this.size * 0.8, this.y);
      vertex(this.x, this.y + this.size);
      vertex(this.x - this.size * 0.8, this.y);
    // Checkered Squares
    else if (this.shapeType === 'checkered') {
      rect(this.x, this.y, this.size, this.size);
    // Zigzags
    else if (this.shapeType === 'zigzag') {
      let numZigs = 10;
      let zigzagWidth = this.size / numZigs;

      for (let i = 0; i < numZigs; i++) {
        let x1 = this.x + i * zigzagWidth;
        let y1 = this.y + (i % 2 === 0 ? -this.size : this.size) * 0.5;
        vertex(x1, y1);
        let x2 = this.x + (i + 1) * zigzagWidth;
        let y2 = this.y + (i % 2 === 0 ? this.size : -this.size) * 0.5;
        vertex(x2, y2);

  // Function to change color on mouse press
  changeColor() {
    // Change the color only when the mouse is pressed
    if (mouseIsPressed) {
      this.color = random(colorPalette);

I used ChatGPT to generate the color codes for the different shades of red I used to avoid having to manually sample each color and waste time:

let colorPalette = [
  '#FFFFFF',    // White
  '#FF0000',    // Red
  '#990000',    // Dark Red
  '#FF6666',    // Light Red
  '#CC0000',    // Medium Red

Overall, this was the result:

Looking to the future, there are definitely many things I can change to improve this artwork and make it more aesthetic. Additionally, there seems to be a bug in my code that changes the shape color multiple times per each mouse click instead of just once.

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