Week 10: Make a musical instrument

For our assignment, Nafiha and I drew inspiration from a synthesizer and a sampler to create our own musical instrument. Our instrument incorporates three buttons, a piezo buzzer, a potentiometer, and a bunch of wires and resistors. It is designed such that each button triggers a distinct melody, and by adjusting the potentiometer, the pitch is modified, consequently altering the played melodies.




const int switch1Pin = 12;
const int switch2Pin = 8;
const int switch3Pin = 7;
const int potentiometerPin = A0;
const int buzzerPin = 3;

int currentMelody[8];//array to store the current melody
int melodyIndex = 0;// keep track of the current note in the melody
int isPlaying = 0;//to indicate whether a melody is currently playing

//melodies for each button
int melody1[] = {262, 330, 392, 523, 392, 330, 262, 196};//melody for switch 1
int melody2[] = {330, 392, 523, 392, 330, 262, 196, 262};//melody for switch 2
int melody3[] = {392, 523, 659, 523, 392, 330, 262, 330};//melody for switch 3

void setup() {
  pinMode(switch1Pin, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(switch2Pin, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(switch3Pin, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(potentiometerPin, INPUT);
  pinMode(buzzerPin, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
  //potentiometer value for pitch control
  int pitch = analogRead(potentiometerPin);

  //if switch 1 is pressed
  if (digitalRead(switch1Pin) == HIGH && !isPlaying) {
    playMelody(melody1, pitch);

  //if switch 2 is pressed
  if (digitalRead(switch2Pin) == HIGH && !isPlaying) {
    playMelody(melody2, pitch);

  //if switch 3 is pressed
  if (digitalRead(switch3Pin) == HIGH && !isPlaying) {
    playMelody(melody3, pitch);

  //check if any switch is pressed and a melody is currently playing
  if ((digitalRead(switch1Pin) == HIGH || digitalRead(switch2Pin) == HIGH || digitalRead(switch3Pin) == HIGH) && isPlaying) {
    noTone(buzzerPin);//stop playing the melody
    isPlaying = 0;//set the flag to indicate no melody is playing

void playMelody(int melody[], int pitch) {
  //map the potentiometer reading to adjust the pitch
  int adjustedPitch = map(pitch, 0, 1023, 50, 255);

  //copy the melody to the currentMelody array
  memcpy(currentMelody, melody, sizeof(currentMelody));

  //play each note in the melody
  for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(currentMelody) / sizeof(currentMelody[0]); i++) {
    tone(buzzerPin, currentMelody[i], adjustedPitch);

  //set the flag to indicate a melody is currently playing
  isPlaying = 1;

In terms of improving our instrument, one potential feature could be incorporating additional sound effects through the use of the potentiometer. However, overall, working on this assignment was really fun, and we’re pretty pleased with the outcome.

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