UNI RUSH- Shamma’s Midterm Project



Uni Rush is an innovative idea for gaming in processing which have sketched the idea of a student escaping the reality of university course grades. The basic logic behind it is that the student character is moving in all four directions and the grade letters are coming from the right side of the screen. When a grade passes behind the character, the score increases. However, if the character moves out of the screen or touches any grade, whether bad or good, then it is game over. For the character movements, conventional gaming keyboard keys were used: w for up, a for left, s for down, and d for right.


The inspiration behind the game I wanted to create comes from how overprotective I tend to be with my GPA. Since I was a kid, I always would work to achieve the highest grades and even the slightest deduction of grades would make me cry. However, after I came to university, that reality changed, and it’s been like a roller-coaster with all its ups and downs. The game resembles a university student who is running all over to escape the sad reality of university grades. Based on that, the more grades the character is able to escape , the higher the score is.  I have always been keen to understand how gpa calculation works, so I searched it up and decided to base my game on that. Yet, this did not work and the fun of it made me come up with a new game logic, closer to reality.


The very first and foremost challenge I have faced was rendering the grades continuously on the screen, in addition to its movement within the specified speed. This has put me in chaos, as I felt that my code is all over the place. A second  difficulty was during the movement of the character. Third, the management of frames and the glitches found during frame rendering. Last, but not least, playing the sound based on the movement of the character and rendering the grade letters as a series of image was an obstacle.


1- Grade letters

The grade letter objects are moving images of all grade letters 

2- Student Character

This is an NYU Mascot cartoon character given a bigger size as compared to the grade letters and is able to move left- right & up-down based on the key pressing

3- Game Background

This object is a university campus image 

4- GPA Score Prompt

This object is a simple score text prompt which gets added as the character escapes the grade letters.


I have started my game by implementing the player character class. This class was responsible for the actions taken by the character. Later, I have implemented attributes and methods in that class that helps with the movement of the character in all four directions. The rendering of the character is also implemented in that class. I performed the default constructor for the  character class which takes x and y positions of the character.

The die function implemented to check if the player character moves out of the screen.
//function to check if the player character is out screen which means the character died
  //stopping the game background sound and playing main menu sound
  void die() 
    this.xPos = -500;
    this.yPos = -500;
    this.CharacterDropped = true;
The player character is moving based on the key pressed events which work on the specified keys for the movement of the player character in upward, downward, left, or right direction.
void keyPressed() 

  //If the key is 'w' then moving the character upward
  if(key == 'w') Character.move(0, -1);
  //if the key is 'a' then moving the character left
  if(key == 'a') Character.move(-1, 0);
  //if the key is s then moving the character down
  if(key == 's') Character.move(0, 1);
  //if the key is 'd' then moving the character right
  if(key == 'd') Character.move(1, 0);

  //if the key is 'r' then setting the character to its default state and postion
  if(key == 'r' || Character.CharacterDropped)
    //stop playing background sounds
    //restarting game to its default configuration
    gameFrame = 0;
For rendering the player character on screen I implemented show() method inside the character class which is loading the player character image on the current frame x and y position.
//for rendering the player character in rectangular box structure on screen
  void show() 
    //showing player character image on screen
    image(PlayerCharacter[currentFrame], this.xPos + xRail * screenHeight/4, this.yPos + this.yRail * screenHeight/4);
Then I did the implementation letter class which I used later to render grade letters on the screen. The letter class contains attributes for the position of letters and the movement speed of letter images on the screen. Afterwards, I implemented a function to update letters on-screen through frames and another function to check if the letter moves out of the screen. In this case, the letter further drops out from the object array.

The default constructor of the letter class takes the position of the letter as a parameter and sets the default speed and movement direction of the letter on screen.
//default constructor for letter class which takes position of letter as parameter
  Letter(PVector pos) 

    //setting radom speed and velocity of the letters for the movement of letter
    acceleration = new PVector(random(-0.05, 0.05), random(-0.05, 0.05));
    velocity = new PVector(random(-2, 2), random(-2, 2));
    //default position of each letter
    position = pos.copy();
    //random boundry for each letter movement
    MovementSpan = random(100.0, 255.0);  
I implemented the function IsLetterDrops() to check if the letter moves out the screen or not. If the letter moves out of the screen then the letter will be removed further from the letters array.
//for checking if the letters moves out of the screen or not
  boolean IsLetterDrops() 
    //if the letter movement boundry value is less than 0 then letter is out of screen thus returning true else false
    if(MovementSpan < 0.0) 
      return true;
      return false;

For loading background image and sound effects, I made a separate function and called that function in the draw and setup functions to render the graphical assets on screen. There are different sound effects used to represent different behaviours. When the character moves, then the sound effect is different. Thus, for the main menu screen and game over screen, a different sound effect is allocated.

I implemented the loadGraphics() function which is loading the images saving in the global image arrays for the player character and grade letters. Furthermore, the background image is also loading into the global background image variable.
// for loading graphics on screen
void loadGraphics() 

  PlayerCharacter[0] = loadImage("C1.png");
  PlayerCharacter[1] = loadImage("C2.png");
  PlayerCharacter[2] = loadImage("C3.png");
  PlayerCharacter[3] = loadImage("C4.png");

  gradeLetters[0] = loadImage("A.png");
  gradeLetters[1] = loadImage("B.png");
  gradeLetters[2] = loadImage("C.png");
  gradeLetters[3] = loadImage("D.png");
  gradeLetters[4] = loadImage("F.png");
  gradeLetters[5] = loadImage("B+.png");
  gradeLetters[6] = loadImage("C+.png");
  gradeLetters[7] = loadImage("D+.png");

  GPAScoreValues[0] = loadImage("0.png");
  GPAScoreValues[1] = loadImage("1.png");
  GPAScoreValues[2] = loadImage("2.png");
  GPAScoreValues[3] = loadImage("3.png");
  GPAScoreValues[4] = loadImage("4.png");

  background = loadImage("back.png");
  KeyControlsImage = loadImage("Controls.png");
  MainPromptText = loadImage("textprompt.png");
  GPAScore = loadImage("gpascore.png");

In setup() function I am setting the frame rate by using framerate() builtin function, loading the graphical assets, and playing the main menu sound effect in the loop.
//Main setup function for the configuration of game 
void setup() 
  //setting the size of screen by width and height
  size(1080, 720);
  //setting framerate which means how many times screen should be repeated
  //loading sound and background images assets on screen
  //Put the game in default configuration and game renders from starting position
  //checking true which shows that character is at its default state
  Character.CharacterDropped = true;
  //for playing main menu sound

In draw() function I am rendering the background image by using image() function and also updating the game assets, for example, repositioning the player character based on the key pressed by the user.
//Main draw function which iterates infinite time and render game screen
void draw() 
  //Updating GPA score point and game configuration
  //showing graphichs and other assets on screen




For my midterm project, I learned how to implement game logic, render multiple graphics all at the same time, move images from one position to another, and use my knowledge of data structures (for example arrays lists in processing). The game making journey has enhanced my knowledge in regards to different object initialization and creation, and in audio file manipulations from the loading of sound effects that has been done.




//importing library for sound
import processing.sound.*;

//Object Creation for Background Sound Effect while game playing
SoundFile BackSoundEffect; 

//Object Creation For Main Menu Background Sound Effect 
SoundFile MainMenuSoundEffect;

//Object Creation For Sound Effect When Character Fails to Eat Any Grade Letter
SoundFile SkipGradeLetterSound; 

//Object Creation For Sound Effect during the movement of character
SoundFile CharacterMovementSoundEffect;

//Image object array creation  for lion character
PImage PlayerCharacter[] = {null, null, null, null};

//Object Creation for grade letters
PImage gradeLetters[] = {null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null};

//Object Creation for the background image
PImage background;

//object creation for key controls for game playing
PImage KeyControlsImage;

//Object creation for main screen text prompt
PImage MainPromptText;

//Object creation for GPA Score Prompt
PImage GPAScore;

//Object creation for GPA score Points
PImage GPAScoreValues[] = {null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null};

//Game screen width and height
int screenWidth = 1080;
int screenHeight = 720;

//for how many times background should be repeated
int backgroundRepeat[] = {((int)screenWidth/128) + 2, ((int)screenHeight/128) + 2};

//the starting point of the background image
int backgroundOffset = 0;

ArrayList<IntersectionWithLetter> fframes; 
float framespeed; 
float margin;
float marginCounter;

int score; 
int gameFrame = 0;

GradeLetters GradeLetters = new GradeLetters();

Character Character;

//Main setup function for the configuration of game 
void setup() 

  //setting the size of screen by width and height
  size(1080, 720);
  //setting framerate which means how many times screen should be repeated
  //loading sound and background images assets on screen
  //Put the game in default configuration and game renders from starting position
  //checking true which shows that character is at its default state
  Character.CharacterDropped = true;
  //for playing main menu sound


//Main draw function which iterates infinite time and render game screen
void draw() 
  //Updating game background which include background image,character images and grade letters
 // updateBackground();
  //Updating GPA score point and game configuration
  //showing graphichs and other assets on screen


//Key pressed function event which occurs when any keyboard key is pressed
void keyPressed() 

  //If the key is 'w' then moving the character upward
  if(key == 'w') Character.move(0, -1);
  //if the key is 'a' then moving the character left
  if(key == 'a') Character.move(-1, 0);
  //if the key is s then moving the character down
  if(key == 's') Character.move(0, 1);
  //if the key is 'd' then moving the character right
  if(key == 'd') Character.move(1, 0);

  //if the key is 'r' then setting the character to its default state and postion
  if(key == 'r' || Character.CharacterDropped)
    //stop playing background sounds
    //restarting game to its default configuration
    gameFrame = 0;

//Main class for Grade letters which inherits the letters class object array
class GradeLetters

  //grade letters object array
  ArrayList<Letter> letters;

  //default constructor for grade letters
    //initializing letters object array in defualt constructor
    letters = new ArrayList<Letter>();

  //populating grade letters with different screen positions
  void AddLetter(PVector position, int nletters) 

    //for loop which iterates through number of letters and adding letter with its position
    for(int i = 0; i < nletters; i++) 
      //adding letter with its position

  //single paramter add letter function which is for initializing new letter with its position
  void AddLetter(PVector position) 
    //calling letters array add function and adding new letter with it position into the array
    letters.add(new Letter(position));

  //function for updating letters on screen
  void UpdateLettersOnScreen() 
    //for loop which runs till letters array size in reverse order
    for (int i = letters.size()-1; i >= 0; i--) 
      //getting the letter from the array from ith index
      Letter l = letters.get(i);
      //rendering the letter on screen
      //checking if the letter goes out of screen then removing the letter from the array
      if (l.IsLetterDrops()) 




//letter class which represents single letter object
class Letter 

  //Position of Letter on screen
  PVector position;
  //Velocity of movement of letter on screen
  PVector velocity; 
  //Accelration of movement of letter on screen
  PVector acceleration;

  //size of the letter which is randomly generated from values 1 to 4
  int size = (int)random(1, 4);

  //varibale for limiting the area for the movement of each letter on screen. the letter moves in its setting boundry
  float MovementSpan;

  //default constructor for letter class which takes position of letter as parameter
  Letter(PVector pos) 

    //setting radom speed and velocity of the letters for the movement of letter
    acceleration = new PVector(random(-0.05, 0.05), random(-0.05, 0.05));
    velocity = new PVector(random(-2, 2), random(-2, 2));
    //default position of each letter
    position = pos.copy();
    //random boundry for each letter movement
    MovementSpan = random(100.0, 255.0);  

  //to update the rendering of letter on screen
  void UpdateLettersOnScreen() 
    //updating speed and velocity of letter movement and decresing the movement boundry of letter by value 2.
    MovementSpan -= 2.0;
    //displaying the letter on screen

  //to display letter on screen
  void display() 
    //setting transparent color 
    fill(255, MovementSpan);
    //drawing rectangle which represents the boundry of letters
    rect(position.x, position.y, size, size);

  //for checking if the letters moves out of the screen or not
  boolean IsLetterDrops() 
    //if the letter movement boundry value is less than 0 then letter is out of screen thus returning true else false
    if(MovementSpan < 0.0) 
      return true;
      return false;



//Player Character Class   
class Character 
  //The default x and y position value variables for player character.
  int xPos, yPos;
  //The default x and y direction of the player character
  int xRail = 0, yRail = 0;
  //variable for default image frame value for player character
  int currentFrame = 0;
  //varibale for checking of the player character is inside screen or not
  boolean CharacterDropped = false;
  //default constructor for player character which sets the default position of the player character
  Character(int xPos, int yPos)
    this.xPos = xPos;
    this.yPos = yPos;
  //function for the movement of player character accoriding to the x and y direction of the character
  void move(int xDirection, int yDirection)
    //checking if the movement of the character is in horizontal direction 
    if(this.xRail + xDirection <= 4 && this.xRail + xDirection >= -1)

      //if the y direction value is zero then adding new letter in the followed direction and playing player character movement sound
      if(yDirection == 0)
        GradeLetters.AddLetter(new PVector(this.xPos + xRail * screenHeight/4, this.yPos + this.yRail * screenHeight/4 + 30), 20);
        keyViewerActive(key, 10, screenHeight - 10);

      //moving one step forward the direction of player character in x direction
      this.xRail += xDirection;


    //checking if the movement of the character is in verticle direction 
    if(this.yRail + yDirection <= 1 && this.yRail + yDirection >= -1)

      //if the x direction value is zero then adding new letter in the followed direction and playing player character movement sound
      if(xDirection == 0) 
        GradeLetters.AddLetter(new PVector(this.xPos + xRail * screenHeight/4 + 20, this.yPos + this.yRail * screenHeight/4 + 30), 10);
        keyViewerActive(key, 10, screenHeight - 10);
      //moving one step forward the direction of player character in y direction
      this.yRail += yDirection;

  //function to check if the player character is out screen which means the character died
  //stopping the game background sound and playing main menu sound
  void die() 
    this.xPos = -500;
    this.yPos = -500;
    this.CharacterDropped = true;
  //for rendering the player character in rectangular box structure on screen
  void show() 

    //showing player character image on screen
    image(PlayerCharacter[currentFrame], this.xPos + xRail * screenHeight/4, this.yPos + this.yRail * screenHeight/4);
  //for updating grade letters on screen
  void UpdateLettersOnScreen() 

    //if the player character is in screen boundry

      //shwoing the player character
      //updating the current frame value to render assests on screen
      if(frameCount % 5 == 0) 
        if(currentFrame == 4) currentFrame = 0;




// class for checking if the player character eat or absorb any grade or not
class IntersectionWithLetter 

  // variable for the x postion
  int xPos;
  // varibales for the screen frames and its speed initialized by random values
  int currentFrame = (int)random(0, 7), frameSpeed = (int)random(4, 6), empty = (int)random(-2, 2);

  float speed, slowSpeed = 0;
  //check if there is need to add gpa point or not
  boolean canAddToScore = true;

  //default constructor which takes x position of intersecting the grade letter and player character + the speed with which intersection occurs
  IntersectionWithLetter(int xPos, float speed)
    this.xPos = xPos;
    this.speed = speed;
  //function to check if the player character eat any grade letter or not
  void Eat() 

    if(!Character.CharacterDropped && Character.yRail != this.empty && Character.xPos + Character.xRail * screenHeight/4 >= this.xPos -40 && Character.xPos + Character.xRail * screenHeight/4 <= this.xPos + 70)

  //for showing grade letter on the current rendered frame
  void show() 

    //for loop which iterates one time and if the ith index is not empty then showing image of grade letter on current frame
    for(int i = -1; i <= 1; i++)
      if(i != empty) image(gradeLetters[currentFrame], this.xPos, screenHeight/2 + i * screenHeight/4);

  //for updating letters on current rendered frame
  void UpdateLettersOnScreen() 

    //updating the speed of grade letters
    if(this.slowSpeed == 0) this.xPos -= this.speed;
    else this.xPos -= this.slowSpeed;

    // if the rendering is done with all frames then resetting the current frame value to zero
    if(frameCount % frameSpeed == 0) 

      if(currentFrame == 8) 
        currentFrame = 0;




//for updating frames on screen after intersection
void UpdateFrames() 
  //looping to update letters on screen frame after intersection
  for(IntersectionWithLetter IntersectionWithLetter : fframes) 

  //checking if the top frame is first frame 
  if(fframes.size() > 0 && fframes.get(0).xPos < -128) 
    //removing the first frame from the screen
  //checking if there is space on rendering more frame on screen
  if(marginCounter <= 0 && !(gameFrame >= 2400 && gameFrame <= 3030)) 
    //adding new frame on screen



//for removing the first frame from the screen
void removeFirstFrame() 

//for adding new frame on screen
void addFrame() 
  fframes.add(new IntersectionWithLetter(screenWidth + 128, framespeed));
  if(margin > screenWidth/4) margin *= 0.95;
  marginCounter = margin;
  if(framespeed < 20) 
    framespeed *= 1.015;


//for slowing the frame rendering speed
void SlowFrameSpeed() 

  //if there is space to render more frames on screen then setting the frame speed to 1
  if(gameFrame >= 2400 && gameFrame <= 3030) 
    for(IntersectionWithLetter IntersectionWithLetter : fframes) 
      IntersectionWithLetter.slowSpeed = 1;

  //if there is no space to render more frames on screen then setting the frame speed to 0

    for(IntersectionWithLetter IntersectionWithLetter : fframes) 
      IntersectionWithLetter.slowSpeed = 0;



//for updating background of the game
void updateBackground() 
  // if the frame vlue is even then updating the background offset position
  if(frameCount%2 == 0) 

  //if the background offset value is maximum then resetting the offset value to 0 and showing the background image
  if(backgroundOffset == 128)

  backgroundOffset = 0;



//for displaying background on screen
void showBackground() 

  //nested for loop to render the background image on each pixel on screen in x and y direction  
  for(int x = 0; x < backgroundRepeat[0]; x++)

    for(int y = 0; y < backgroundRepeat[1]; y++)
      image(background, x*background.width - backgroundOffset, y*background.height);



// for converting number to images
ArrayList<PImage> numberToArrayOfImages(int number) 

  ArrayList<PImage> images = new ArrayList<PImage>();
  String numberS = str(number);
  int len = numberS.length(), buffer;
  //iterating till the number length
  for(int index = 0; index < len; index++) 
    //switch for checking for the desired gpa point and if the case match then updating buffer
     case '0':
       buffer = 0;
     case '1':
       buffer = 1;
     case '2':
       buffer = 2;
     case '3':
       buffer = 3;
     case '4':
       buffer = 4;
     case '5':
       buffer = 5;
     case '6':
       buffer = 6;
     case '7':
       buffer = 7;
     case '8':
       buffer = 8;
     case '9':
       buffer = 9;
       buffer = 0;
  return images;


//showing gpa score
void showScore() 

  //rendering gpa score image
  image(GPAScore, 0, 0);

  ArrayList<PImage> images = numberToArrayOfImages(score);
  int index = 0;
  //iterating all gpa score images
  for(PImage image : images) 
    int yOffset = 0;
    //if the gpa score value matches with the image
    if(image == GPAScoreValues[0]) yOffset = 4;
    //then rendering the image on screen
    image(image, 60 + index * 11, 10 - yOffset);


// for updating gpa score
void updateScore() 
  //checking if player is in screen boundry

    //checking if the 
    for(IntersectionWithLetter layer : fframes) 

      if(layer.canAddToScore == true && layer.xPos <= Character.xPos + (Character.xRail * screenHeight/4)) 
        layer.canAddToScore = false;



//for displaying key viewer on screen
void keyViewer() 

  image(KeyControlsImage, 10, screenHeight - 10 - KeyControlsImage.height);


//for updating the position based on the active key press
void keyViewerActive(char keyName, int xPos, int yPos)

  fill(50, 255, 50);

  //if the key is w then drawing square to new required position
  if(keyName == 'w') 
    square(xPos + 3 * 3 + 44 + 25, yPos + 3 * 3 - 44 * 2, 46);
  //if the key is a then drawing square to new required position
  else if(keyName == 'a') 
    square(xPos + 3 + 22, yPos - 3 - 22, 46);
  //if the key is s then drawing square to new required position
  else if(keyName == 's') 
    square(xPos + 3 * 3 + 44 + 25, yPos - 3 - 22, 46);
  //if the key is d then drawing square to new required position
  else if(keyName == 'd') 
    square(xPos + 3 * 5 + 44 * 2 + 28, yPos - 3 - 22, 46);



// function for main menu screen
void mainScreen() 

  // filling up a rectangle with light color
  fill(50, 150);
  rect(screenWidth/2, screenHeight/2, screenWidth, screenHeight);
  //prompting text on screen
  image(MainPromptText, screenWidth/2, screenHeight/3);


// for loading images and sound effect assests on screen
void loadAssets() 



// for loading graphics on screen
void loadGraphics() 

  PlayerCharacter[0] = loadImage("C1.png");
  PlayerCharacter[1] = loadImage("C2.png");
  PlayerCharacter[2] = loadImage("C3.png");
  PlayerCharacter[3] = loadImage("C4.png");

  gradeLetters[0] = loadImage("A.png");
  gradeLetters[1] = loadImage("B.png");
  gradeLetters[2] = loadImage("C.png");
  gradeLetters[3] = loadImage("D.png");
  gradeLetters[4] = loadImage("F.png");
  gradeLetters[5] = loadImage("B+.png");
  gradeLetters[6] = loadImage("C+.png");
  gradeLetters[7] = loadImage("D+.png");

  GPAScoreValues[0] = loadImage("0.png");
  GPAScoreValues[1] = loadImage("1.png");
  GPAScoreValues[2] = loadImage("2.png");
  GPAScoreValues[3] = loadImage("3.png");
  GPAScoreValues[4] = loadImage("4.png");

  background = loadImage("back.png");
  KeyControlsImage = loadImage("Controls.png");
  MainPromptText = loadImage("textprompt.png");
  GPAScore = loadImage("gpascore.png");


//for loading sound effects 
void loadSound() 
  //background sound effect
  BackSoundEffect = new SoundFile(this, "backgroundsound.mp3");
  //main menu sound effect
  MainMenuSoundEffect = new SoundFile(this, "mainmenusound.mp3");
  //skipping grade letter sound
  SkipGradeLetterSound = new SoundFile(this, "dropsound.mp3");
  //player character movement sound effect
  CharacterMovementSoundEffect = new SoundFile(this, "cmovesound.mp3");


//for updating game
void updateGame() 
  //upodating frames count on screen

  //updating grade letters on screen
  //updating frames on screen
  //updating gpa score
  //for updating letters on screen
  //upodating frame speed
  marginCounter -= framespeed;

//for showing gpa score and key viewer on game screen
void show() 

  //showing gpa score

  //if player character is out of screen then returning to main menu screen

  //for rendering key viewer on screen


// for restarting the game. 
void restart() 
  // the gpa score will be zero
  score = 0;
  //frame speed reset to 5 which means 5 frames will be rendered in one second
  framespeed = 2;
  //margin between player character and grade letters
  margin = screenWidth/2;
  marginCounter = margin;

  //initializing player character to its default position
  Character = new Character(230, height/2);
  // resetting frames
  fframes = new ArrayList<IntersectionWithLetter>();
  fframes.add(new IntersectionWithLetter(screenWidth + 128, framespeed));  


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