Beethoven’s Portrait

I struggled at first to actually start doing anything that is meaningful because I like to plan things ahead and foreseeing how the coding will go is quite difficult. I took inspiration from my Snapchat Bitmoji, knowing it’s just for ideas not copying.

my bitmoji avatar

I made some quick research on Processing’s Reference pages and decided that the beginShape() might be a very suitable method for drawing the face, hair, and eyes (basically figures I thought would require complex drawing to be perfected).

I tried out the function and this is what I was able to do before realizing that the shape of the face can just be an ellipse for the sake of simplicity and because beginshape() will take a very long time to draw a curved shape.

The closest thing to a face I did using the function
After spending a very long time, I decided the ellipse was much better








I then started to master the small operations that I code for each part of the portrait, and I drew a very detailed eye which contains the eye itself, the brown iris, the white sclera, the pupil, and dark brown eyebrows.

Even though the eye was on point, I realized that making the portrait realistic will just make it weird and ugly so the rest of the face should just be more cartoon-like.

the face before adding the mouth, ears, hair, etc.

I drew a simple nose with just one outline from the right and some detail at the bottom, and I made a very simplistic but appropriate slightly-smiling mouth. The main function used was the “arc” function and I also struggled at first to understand how the radian angles calculations were carried out but I got things right simply by very long trial and error.

After completing most of the face, I decided to draw the hair using the beginShape() function which I struggled with earlier, and it turned it to be extremely useful for irregular shapes. By now, I was almost blindly typing numbers and automatically making calculations of dimensions and distances.

I made the ears using another arc function, and I decided to make the background a still photo of something that represents me; squash. I played squash for 5 years and even though I stopped playing years ago, I adore the sport and still play for fun until today.

Lastly, I decided to make use of the clicking of mouse function in a simple creative way where if you click the mouse the colors of the eyes and the clothing randomly change simultaneously.

My Final Piece


Randomized colors of the portrait
another randomized version
//Assignment 1 Yahia Beethoven Tayel self portrait

//Initializing the variables before any function
//In case the image doesn't load
int backgroundColor = 255;
//dimesnions of the portrait
float x;
float y;

//randomized variables for the color of the clothes when mouseclicked
float r = 0;
float g = 0;
float b = 0;

float r1 = 96;
float g1 = 49;
float b1 = 1;

//setting up the plane on which the portrait is drawn
void setup() {
  size(500, 640);
  x = width/2;
  y = height/2;
  PImage img;
  img = loadImage("squash_background.PNG");
  img.resize(500, 640);

//the main draw function that makes the face
void draw() {

//draws neck
fill(241, 194, 125);
stroke(205, 133, 63);
rect(x - 43, y+180, 90, 60);

//draws the face
fill(241, 194, 125);
stroke(205, 133, 63);
ellipse(x, y, 6.5*x/5, 7*y/6);

//draws the hair
fill(45, 23, 13);

vertex(x/4 + 24, y - 25);
vertex(3*x/8, 2*y/3);
vertex(x/2, y/2.3);
vertex(5*x/8, y/3);
vertex(3*x/4, y/3.75);
vertex(7*x/8, y/4.45);
vertex(x, y/4.5);
vertex(x+10, y/4.7);
vertex(9*x/8, y/4.45);
vertex(5*x/4, y/4);
vertex(11*x/8, y/3);
vertex(3*x/2, y/2.3);
vertex(13*x/8, 2*y/3.2);
vertex(x+3*x/4 - 24, y - 25);
vertex(13*x/8 - 20, 2*y/3 +20);
vertex(3*x/2 - 30, y/2.3 +55);
vertex(11*x/8 - 5, y/3 +60);
vertex(5*x/4 +15, y/2.3 +55);
vertex(11*x/8 - 10, y/3 +50);
vertex(9*x/8 +15, y/2.3 +25);
vertex(9*x/8 - 15, y/2.3 +35);
vertex(x- 15, y/2.3 +33);
vertex(7*x/8, y/2.3 +30);
vertex(5*x/8 +30, y/2.3 +25);
vertex(5*x/8 +15, y/2.3 +20);

vertex(x/2, 2*y/3);

//draws the eyes

ellipse(3*x/4, 4*y/5, x/3.5, y/8);
ellipse(5*x/4, 4*y/5, x/3.5, y/8);

//draws the iris
fill(r1, g1, b1);

ellipse(3*x/4, 4*y/5, x/7, y/9);
ellipse(5*x/4, 4*y/5, x/7, y/9);

//draws the pupil


ellipse(3*x/4, 4*y/5, x/13, y/15);
ellipse(5*x/4, 4*y/5, x/13, y/15);

//draws the white spot

ellipse(3*x/4 + x/38, 4*y/5 - y/25, x/25, y/40);
ellipse(5*x/4 + x/38, 4*y/5 - y/25, x/25, y/40);

//draws the eyebrows
fill(43, 29, 14);
stroke(43, 29, 14);
arc(3*x/4 - 3, 4*y/5-y/10, x/3, 13, HALF_PI+QUARTER_PI + 0.4, TWO_PI+QUARTER_PI/2 +0.4);
arc(5*x/4 -3 , 4*y/5-y/10, x/3, 13, HALF_PI+QUARTER_PI, TWO_PI+QUARTER_PI/2 - 0.4);

//draws the nose
stroke(205, 133, 63);

//arc(x+12, 5*y/6 + 10, 7, y/2.5, 0, HALF_PI);
arc(x-18, 5*y/6 + 75, 7, y/2.5, PI, PI+QUARTER_PI+0.5);
//took the two nostrils idea from aysha of this class
arc(x - 23, y+30, 21, 21, HALF_PI-QUARTER_PI/3, PI+2*QUARTER_PI);
arc(x+16, y+30, 21, 21,  -HALF_PI, HALF_PI+QUARTER_PI/2);
arc(x-3, y+40, 30, 21,  0, PI);

//draws the mouth
arc(x, y+95, 95, 21,  0, PI);
point(x+47.5, y+95);
point(x-47.5, y+95);

//draws the ears 
fill(241, 194, 125);
stroke(205, 133, 63);

arc(x/4 + 26, y - 10, x/4, y/3.5, HALF_PI, PI+HALF_PI );
arc(x+3*x/4 - 26, y - 10, x/4, y/3.5, -HALF_PI, PI-HALF_PI);

//draws shoulders
fill(r, g, b);
vertex(0, 2*y);
vertex(x/4, y+240);
vertex(x+3*x/4, y+240);
vertex(2*x, 2*y);

//functions that are called when the mouse is clicked to randomly change the colors of both the eyes and the clothes simultaneously
void mousePressed() {
   r = random(255);
   g = random(255);
   b = random(255);
   r1 = random(255);
   g1 = random(255);
   b1 = random(255);


I learned a lot through this simple assignment and I look forward to future assignments which will help develop my skills in programming much more.



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